Join me and Kamakshi Hart for Heart and Soul;

A Creative Renewal Retreat

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and creative expression?

Are you longing to get out of your head and into your heart? Do you want to respond to the call of your creative voice but you feel too overwhelmed or stuck? WE KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE!! 

Born out of the deep desire to grow ourselves, along with a love for nature and the expressive arts, we created this day long opportunity to tend to your heart and soul.

I’m thrilled to extend a heartfelt invitation to join the upcoming in person Heart and Soul Mini Retreat!

With guided activities and shared experience, we’ll dive into writing from the heart, painting from the soul, all in a supportive, nurturing environment. Moving creative energy settles the nervous system, opens pathways of fresh inspiration and cultivates well-being.

And it’s fun!

🌟 Why Heart and Soul? 🌟

Heart-Opening: Through creative expression you can unlock doors to your heart allowing your thoughts and emotions to flow onto a canvas, the blank page, or other forms of expression. This experience is designed to help you connect with your inner self on a deeper level.

Joyful Discovery: Heart and Soul is all about the joy of discovery – discovering new facets of yourself, your creativity, and the limitless possibilities within. It's a celebration of every brushstroke, written word, and moment of inspiration.

The Gift of Time: In our busy lives, we often forget to prioritize self-expression and creativity. This is a gift to yourself, a chance to set aside the hustle and bustle and give yourself permission to create, explore, and thrive.

All Are Welcome: Whether you're an experienced artist or sharing your writing for the first time, this is for you. This isn't just about art; it's about heart. Participants of all levels are encouraged to join.

Fun Guaranteed: Most importantly, Heart and Soul is all about having fun! Joy is an essential ingredient in the creative process, and you'll find plenty of it during our Heart and Soul experience.

Welcome to this sanctuary of self-expression - no previous creative experience required! - where you are encouraged to come as you are; free to rediscover your joy and show up as exactly who and how you are.

If you are ready to say YES to yourself and your innate creative potential, JOIN US!

Don’t miss this opportunity to give yourself the gift of recalibration and connection.

There is no right or wrong way to participate and nothing is required of you other than to show up willing to meet your authentic self and be open to the joy that creating brings.

When: Sunday, April 14th
Time: 12-5pm
Cost: $75
Where: Details upon registration
Why: To celebrate the joy of being alive!

Materials: All are provided and snacks too!

Send Payment via VENMO @jessie-marcus

Questions? Email me :

  • “I felt supported, held, and safe to create whatever was present inside me. Jessie was a wonderful teacher and brought us through art exercises to loosen us up and get us in touch with our hearts. It was so fun!”

    - Loretta M

  • "My desire to access the power in myself and my voice brought me to work with Kamakshi. What I couldn’t have predicted was the magical alignment of my life and purpose and the self-acceptance that now infuses every moment. She is mystic, mentor, muse, confidante, champion, sister and soul guide. Her clarity allows you to see the shining truth of your worth. She is the best gift I’ve ever given to myself." - Brenda Strong, Actor/Director

  • “I’ve been thinking about all that you helped open up in me and in the relationship between my son and I and the path of creativity! Thank you for helping me give myself permission to play and not worry about perfection."

    - Elaine C

“Jessie is a true Artist of Life in many forms of expression. The colors and love she brings to all her creative avenues are an inspiration. I am blessed when I get a chance to listen to the words that come flowing through her."

- Helen Bradley, Playful Art Studio