Blogs, Press and Musings

Jessie Marcus Jessie Marcus

This Just In: Art Is Good for You!

Engaging in Expressive Art practices brings joy, reduces stress, and improves overall mental well-being, factors that contribute to a longer, healthier, happier life. When we explore our artistic side, we are giving ourselves true enjoyment and supporting our well being too.

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Jessie Marcus Jessie Marcus

The Un Pursuit of Happiness

I’ve been wondering lately about the pursuit and point of happiness. It’s true, I’m questioning this whole “finding happiness” thing. So many people, places and things guarantee they can take me to a place called happiness and as far as I can tell it doesn’t have an address or a longitude and latitude and it’s not something I can GPS.

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Jessie Marcus Jessie Marcus

Life Is Change and I Object!

I’ve been observing a part of myself and wanted to “come clean”! I don’t know about you but when change comes along quite often my first reaction is not a welcoming embrace.

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Jessie Marcus Jessie Marcus

Time In, the Practical Benefits of the Here and Now.

Happy Fall everyone!  Now that the weather has started to cool down and you can feel the holidays in the air (and there are decorations in every store) you can almost see 2021 in your rear view mirror as we head straight into 2022.

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Jessie Marcus Jessie Marcus

Go Inside; Take the Risk!

I don’t know about you, but just writing and reading those words makes me feel a bit queasy. The idea of risk activates an initial response of defense, fear and admittedly, exhilaration.

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