Time In, the Practical Benefits of the Here and Now.


Happy Fall everyone!  Now that the weather has started to cool down and you can feel the holidays in the air (and there are decorations in every store) you can almost see 2021 in your rear view mirror as we head straight into 2022.  Sounds so Sci Fi!  Wait, is that accurate?  2022?  Remember Y2k? Where did all the time go?

No, I mean it, where did the time go?

In my world as a TV producer I was expected to, well, produce.  That means, create, make, generate, manifest, bring into being, make #$%^& happen, and that’s just part of what is being asked of me in increments of time that often feel totally impossible.

If you’re like me time management is not just a multi million dollar business offering tools and techniques, but an often challenging experience as I try to cram everything in I need to do for clients, family, friends and myself with the limited hours I have in a day. I am often bogged down trying to strategize the best approach or system, reviewing what has happened while trying to guess what will happen, squeezing out deadlines and projects against this unforgiving race with the clock. I can get all worked up just thinking about it. 

Now don’t misunderstand me, I acknowledge the importance of creating priorities and objectives, of recognizing when I have over promised something or when procrastination has its hold on me, but I’m not talking about that, I am talking about the pressure I feel thinking I don’t have enough time and the feelings of failure and unfulfillment that come with it.

So I have had this radical thought lately….what would happen if I took my foot off the pedal of trying to manage my time and slowed down to pay more attention to what is taking place in the now?  What If I released my grip on remembering what just happened or what could happen and gently return to what is happening?

How would it feel to hang out in present moment awareness and leave more room for creative thinking, fresh ideas, tapping into my knowing, and ingenuity?  What if I re-defined what a good use of my time would be by measuring it from the inside out rather than the outside in? 

I can’t claim I have all the answers but I can say without a doubt that every improvement I hope to make, bit of satisfaction I hope to feel, or performance I hope to ace happens in the here and now and that is clearly where my opportunity lies for excellence and fulfillment.

 I’m going to do my clients, my family and myself a favor and take up residence in this space of now where it’s all really happening anyway.  It will be an early holiday gift to myself…that’s why they call it the present.

 Sent with love,


Life Is Change and I Object!


Go Inside; Take the Risk!