Go Inside; Take the Risk!


“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”
— Pablo Picasso

I don’t know about you, but just writing and reading those words makes me feel a bit queasy.  The idea of risk activates an initial response of defense, fear and admittedly, exhilaration.  I’ve been programmed to see risk taking as negative, unwise and dangerous, but in my experience the lessons, growth, and opportunity that come through taking risks outweigh the failures and disappointments by a long shot.

 It’s not just a stuntman or Formula One race car driver that encounters risks daily. Being a parent, entrepreneur, artist, or just living involves risk.  We get in our cars, we wave goodbye to our kids as they go off to school, we speak up in a meeting, and all of this involves an element of stepping outside our comfort zones.

What do you do when you encounter a growth edge that feels risky?

I’m not talking about pushing yourself into danger or following the voice that berates you into doing things, I mean that nudge that calls to you to explore the unknown, sing that Karaoke song, say hi to that person.  It starts from within.

And it starts with listening.

Call it what you will, the still voice within, the sweet spot, spirit or common sense it speaks to us and as the ultimate GPS system never takes us the wrong way. The more I connect with that center within results in more freedom and joy.

 Here’s what I’ve experienced:

 When we risk…

  • We learn we can go beyond our self -imposed imitations and tap into a rich source inside us

  • We find new levels of confidence and resilience

  • We gain perspective and skills we might not have thought were possible

  • We change our relationship to the thinking around success and failure

  • We discover new capabilities and possibilities along the way

You up for a risk?

Sent with love,


Time In, the Practical Benefits of the Here and Now.